Advanced ELENA Course: International protection in Europe: persistent challenges and litigation opportunities

Dr. Olga Gulina will take part in the 2019 advanced course “International protection in Europe: Persistent Challenges and Litigation Opportunities” in Sevilia, Spain in November 7-10, 2019

Ольга Гулина примет участие в курсе повышения квалификации по вопросам международной защиты, организованного Европейским Советом по делам беженцев и убежища.

The Advanced ELENA Course on “International protection in Europe: persistent challenges and litigation opportunities” will take place on Friday 8 November and Saturday 9 November 2019. The Course will be held in Hotel Riana de Tibera in Seville, Spain.

This year the Advanced ELENA Course will provide an engaging forum for over 100 legal practitioners, academics and decision makers to discuss, analyse and reflect upon the legal challenges related to international protection in Europe, discuss access to asylum, detention and return operations. The Course sessions will cover the recent ECtHR jurisprudence on the principle of non-refoulement; immigration detention and alternatives to it under international and EU law as well as explore emerging issues such as Dublin arrangements and bilateral agreements. The content of the course will also address Frontex accountability and the legal challenges faced by SAR operations.

Finally, three workshops will give a chance to engage in fruitful discussions on the interplay between human trafficking and asylum; on how to advance refugee protection through the UN mechanisms and challenge the Internal Protection Alternative (IPA) practice in asylum claims.

Please click here to register to the course

Participants can find the programme here

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